Sunday, May 09, 2010

Singapore, Why?

I was spending Mummy's Day with both Mummy and Daddy, and we talked about the Singapore cheer for the youth Olympic that was coming up. And we couldn't agree on one thing, "olay olay olay, hey!" or "oyah oyah oyah, ho!". That's how unmemorable it is. But I know JJ is singing it. JJ is the only reason why I even bothered to watch the whole cheer through.

And I read
kkyz's blog. He was talking about it as well. Ho!

Well, I ain't as harsh as he is. I think the concept is there. But here's my take on why it would not be as appealing to common people.

Its in a SONG. THERE IS TUNE. You don't hear people sing melodious cheers during fifa world cup, and Singapore ain't gonna be the one starting the new movement. THERE IS A REASON WHY. YOU DON'T SING AT A HEATED GAME. YOU CHEER. And even the famous
Ole song embed here had the words in a tuneless cheer. SO THAT THE TUNELESS CAN CHEER.

KEEP IT SIMPLE. KEEP IT HEATED. KEEP IT HYPER. I can sing to the Ole song immediately because its catchy. "Soccer socca socca SOCCER!" I can't even remember clearly what the Singapore Cheer is. Perhaps we need catchier lyrics? Or even better, if you want a melody... PLEASE MAKE IT AN UPBEAT SONG. This is a lullaby. And I am not insulting the people that did this.... But I am Singaporean, born here, bred here, living here RIGHT NOW. I KNOW WE CAN DO BETTER. WHY ARE WE STRANDED BEHIND IN TERMS OF CREATIVITY AND COMMON SENSE! ARGH! OLD FOGGIES PLEASE STEP ASIDE. LET THE YOUNG ONES GROW CREATIVELY.

If I wanna cont'd, this will be an essay that my literature teacher would have to spend her entire weekend reading through. So let me sign off here with my solemn words.

I am PROUD to be Singapore because its WHO I AM. I can't change it and I would not change it. I got my "lahs" and "lohs" downpat. And I would queue for anything that is worth queueing. However, I believed and I still do, that we are capable of doing ANYTHING other countries can. Simply because we're all humans. We're all equipped with the same things, and even better... Singapore is a safe heaven for TOP-NOTCH Education. Think about it, why do talented people leave instead of staying? I want to be the very best that no one ever was. But all I can do right now, is just pay off my education debt and pay all my bills, before I can even think of doing things for society. Think about it. Just think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's singapore, what can you expect? Have you heard about the Marina Bay IR thingy?