Friday, June 18, 2010

Lazy Bum Moving~!


Got prodded by someone who reads this blog, stating that I've been lazy!

Indeed I've been!

Goodness gracious. So here's a hardworking post to cheer everyone up!

At work:
1. I sorted out my invoices. (for Voice Over)

2. I've sorted almost 3/4 of my paperwork to Re-use or Re-cycle.
3. Slowly getting a sinking feeling that work might never end.
4. The cold of the air con is pressing against me. I feel... oppressed. By an air con.
5. Work email not working, causing me great irritation. I didn't like to use personal email for work. There is a line drawn somewhere, even if I devoted most of my time to my career.

At home:
2. I realised most of my furniture is white!
3. This weekend, my family is going to saw my old bookshelves to re-create smaller furniture! I can't wait!!!
4. Got a couple of little drawings done up. Will scan them this weekend to update everyone.

And... I really want to be more feminine. Just to see how "cute" I can be... *ponders*

Here's a song relating to my feelings. There MUST be MORE than this life.

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