Wednesday, June 09, 2010

What Scares You?

I was snoozing on bus 55 on my way home when I suddenly jerked wide awake, walked calmly over to the exit and reach there as my bus stopped nicely at my bus stop. Not being fully conscious, I just pat myself on my back for managing to wake up in time.

As I alighted the bus, instead of heading straight for the overhead bridge, I turned the other direction blankly. And bend over.

There, flickering underneath the bus, are active flames, licking desperately at each drip of oil leaking out slowly but nevertheless surely.

The uncle beside me was eyeing me as I refused to budge in that weird position and he saw that flicker of bright orange light as well. He started yelling at the bus driver and all the passengers ran off the bus to the bus 25 that is driving up to the bus stop or away from the site.

I just stared blankly, thinking, "That would not burst into explosion, nor get any more serious than it as long as the bus dont drive off." And I stood here calmly, while the bus driver put out the fire and other uncles stayed to see if help is needed.

After the smoke cleared, I walked off calmly, and smsed my friends. Shan replied almost immediately, panicking. And I wondered in puzzlement. Why is she so flustered?

Only when I reach home did the full impact of it hits me. And now i can't sleep. Not because I didnt get the hell out of there during an obviously dangerous situation, but because I felt the confidence that the fire at that point of time, is definitely not going to go off.
And I feel freaked out. In the past I would have assumed that some greater mystical being is watching over me (explaining why I have no fear). But currently, one singular scary thought keep running through my mind.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHIT MAN. That's frigging insane. I hope no one got hurt. :/