Friday, May 30, 2008

The Long and Short of Good Doctor

Good morning everyone.

They say time heals everything, but I'm still waiting.

Sians, yesterday I went to visit the doctor at a nearby clinic because I had been experiencing some "loose bowels" syndromes. However the stupooid mildly-distracted doctor gave me medicine which is not available at the moment, so I must wait even longer (noted what kind of syndrome I am experiencing) while he re-contemplate which medicine best fits me.

I was given constipation medicine.

Poor doctor, must be so busy that he didnt even realise what medicine his own clinic ran out of. Luckily he got a sexy nurse with thick lavishly applied make-up with low-cut flattering shirt to help him out.

I didnt take the medicine. I'm being a very Bad Patient. But the yellowish liquid swirling around in the bottel mysteriously spills into my toiletbowl. Hmm....

Medicines are always a mystery to me.

Urgh... I think I will seek help from the almighty solid ToiletBowl.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No MaTtEr WhAt, YoU mUsT gO cOnSuLt A dOc..
PlEaSe BeAr In MiNd ThAt "SoMeOnE" cArEs AbOuT yOu.