Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Last Life

No, seriously, I'm down to one life.

I don't even know why, but I felt that I had tried to live all 9 lives at one go, and simulateously died 8 times. Now I am left with one. So I got to be careful.

For those who know me, HI YOU F-censored-, I FINALLY DECIDED TO BLOG! So you can assure yourselves that I am indeed still alive despite whatever you tried to do to kill me, my friends.

AnJu Bear told me that the best part about "believe" is the "lie" part. So hmmm... IF I truly believe you, it means I beve you?

True? Non? Sounds so logic that it makes me truly truly impressed. I had NEVER knew about such stuff before. What were my good educated teachers teaching me in primary and secondary schools? Gooddness me, I have wasted my EIGHT lives for nought!

Applying the same logic, the best part about "trust" is the "us" part. Because it involves two person or more, so the word "us" applies here.

The best part about "lying" is the "yin" part, because if you can choose a person to lie to you, you would rather a pretty lady (yin) right?

The best part about "sex" is the "e" part, the erotic, exciting and entertaining parts...

So, that means the best part of "love" is the "ov" part... Wait a minute, is Anju hinting something?!


Shamandalie said...

HAHAAA!!! Master!!! yes you are you still alive!!!

You can make it laa, i believe in you master!

~ Your young brown one. moo moo.

kkyz13 said...

I bless this blog with the hopes of longevity and not be a one post wonder like many other blogs.

Keep on documenting your life for the internets!

Yunda said...

moomoo : YES I AM.

all: now you know who tried to murder me with wat weapon and in what room.

kkyz13 : THANK YOU!! I feel blessed already. Please grace your presence in my blog more often. Anything for the internets.