Sunday, March 21, 2010

Voluntering Day1

Its the longest, really badly travelled journey to Pets Villa. I got lost a grand total of 5 times! Before FINALLY!~ (after close to two hours of travelling) I saw this modest looking compound. First thing i noticed was the amount of people in the dog shelter. And the ruckus the dogs were yipping up!

But then Katy (Owner of Pets Villa) directed me to take the other path to the cats side of the shelter and I obliged. And I realised the shelter is literally guarded by dogs. THERE ARE DOGS AT THE CATS SIDE OF THE SHELTER. Very friendly, but I think not good for guys. When I approached them (inevitable), they jumped up and place their paws very close on the zipper of my pants. I almost freaked out. But they were so friendly, and in truth, I used to love dogs and cats until the fateful day where I am forever tainted with the fear of dogs, and scars that lasted for a year.

And whoever said that Cats are solitary creatures and prefer to be left alone IS WRONG. Its the same as saying that all humans like company or all human prefer to be left alone. Its really up to the individual. The cats were so friendly, I was tripping half the time over the milling cat mass around my ankles. And since most of them has cat flu, they sneakily nub their mucus on my white sport shoes. I looked down, caught them in the act, but the cunning little devils looked up at me with such soulful eyes and a very very soft "miaow" and the human is defeated and reduced to "wossie wozzie mozzie cat? maow maow..."

So there was one cat with Tabby markings, who is a Lapcat. He loves to laze on your lap, and purr his engine at full steam when you stroke him. So there I was, unable to pull him off my lap, (i can do it forcefully, but that means bye bye pants) stroking this Lapcat for goddess-know-how-long. His eyes closed, he stretches his legs and snuggled against my chest, and laid his head to rest. And as I looked at him, stroking him, I felt an overwhelming sense of serenity. And I slept as well. (So yeah, both of us slept together)

Oh, i felt so happy, but i felt my IQ dropped to zero. Perhaps the line ignorance is bliss still stands. Or simply put, its CATS. How can you not be happy with them?

wossie wozzie AHHH DOBERMAN!

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