Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Dying and The Dead

I'm fine with Death. It simply means the end of someone who existed before. I may grief and I may reminisce about the good times and the wonderful memories. But I can accept Death.

But I don't do well with the dying. I see the pain they go through, and selfishly, when there seems to be no hope for them, I wish for them a quick painless death.

I'm fine with anger, its just a natural feeling when something goes wrong and out of your acceptance. I let it out, then let it go.

But I don't do well holding vengeance or harboring hatred for others. I believe to forgive, also washes yourself clean from this tainted emotion of hate.

So I am not fine with hating the dying. Why do this news pleases me not?
I wanted someone to hold me when I got the news.

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